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Release Recycle e-paper of 102-103 Annual

The main tasks of this project consist of summarizing environmental regulations and policies, activities organized by the Recycling Fund Management Board (RFMB) and international recycling policy trends and providing analyses through monthly editing works. Experts, scholars and non-governmental environmental activists versed on domestic recycling issues are interviewed. Topics discussed range from policy planning and implementation to current status of resource recycling streams. Overviews on the current domestic recycling promotion and its achievement are therefore conveyed through easily understandable narrations. The outcome are virtual e-magazines on the internet that contain 6 sections: domestic occurrences, depth analysis, activities billboard, multimedia, Q&A’s, and international outlook. These e-magazines are published and distributed in the forms of webpages which can be viewed any time and any where. They have become easily accessible channels for people of different fields to learn about recycling administration of our country. They can also be used to spread our experiences in recycling administration, environmental education and policy. Edited e-magazines are provided to the RFMB in the format of web-pages and then posted to R-paper section of the RFMB official website.
Recycle e paper、e-magazines、environmental regulations and policies